Week 4, 5
Greetings! This blog contains work done in week 4 and 5. It can be noticed that till week 3 I had completed most of the work in the background, updating Matlab Parser was still left, but neither had I pushed my code, nor did I check my code with ample test cases. Not directly working with the codebase is easy, but once the concept is understood and is clear, it is really desirable to check it by adding to the actual codebase and very importantly get suggestions from the mentors. Week 4 was hectic and was spent on adding all the work to the codebase and solving the Matlab parser issue. Here is a short detail about each issue and its solutions, solved in evaluation 1: Extend ModelPolisher annotation capability ( #39 , #41 ) : Issue: Add feature in ModelPolisher to add annotations to species, reactions, and geneProducts which do not have Bigg Ids. Solution: For species, reactions, geneProducts already some annotations, we can map the annotation URIs to their BiggIds. Det...